Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Easy Pokémon Tracey Sketchit Cosplay Costume

Tracey Sketchit is one of Ash's traveling friends and a pokemon watcher. As one of the pokemon characters, Tracey is not sopopular as the some of the roles, such as Ash and Misty, but he still has gaind his imitators. There is no denying that each of the characters has their attractive feature makes someone eager to do the cosplay and to bring the fictional role to the reality, namely the show. Tracey  also has the distinctive glamour that we could behold many of the cosplay boys don the Tracey cosplay costume in the activity.
When it comes to the cosplay outfit, it can be said that it is the easiest clothing for impersonating. Why? Aha, on my part, any of you could make the suit on your own even if you are not good at sewing, what is more, you could have it for peanuts. The classical image of Tracey is in the form of short with short sleeves and the short pants, so simple. So you don’t need to buy the apparel or make it, all you have to do is to look through your normal T-shirts and shorts and find the similar pieces, modify them. Ok, finally you could put them on for you pokemon cosplay.
Boys or girls, especially the tomboys, try the easiest cosplay!

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